Friday, March 18, 2011

It's so easy

I find it incredibly easy to treat any ailment with the written word. If I am sad, a book can help me wallow or win out. If I am excited, a book can calm me down or get me even more pumped. Books make up a good percentage of my life right now.

If you estimate: I spend 9 hours at work (8:15-5:15). One hour at work, I read (12:30-1:30). I get home and make dinner (5:30-6:30). I spend some TV time with my husband (6:30-8:30), and then I read (8:30-10:30). I sleep (10:30-7:30) Don't get jealous it's never a full 9 hours of sleep, I am a light sleeper and spend most the time awake in between a series of naps.

So.... if you take my waking hours (15), and estimate at minimum three hours a day reading, that means I am spending at minimum 20 percent of my time reading. On the weekends, you could safely bump that to around 35-40 percent. So what am I reading you ask?

Great, I'll tell you.

Mary's bookshelf: read

The Wild SightDreaming AnastasiaTrolls in the HamptonsWicked LovelyNight MystA Taste of Magic

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As a writer, I read a lot of what I would like to write some day: paranormal, fantasy, magic, fae, mystery, romance. And I try to read those separately, as well as books that incorporate all elements. My favorites, are the ones that can incorporate everything. However, as one of limited means, but a fantastic Nook Color, I find myself reading a lot of FREE books too, so those are in there too. But, it's a good thing, because chances are I am reading something currently that I would not even consider if I had money in my account to spare, thus furthering my literary horizons.

The added bonus of spending so much time with books: No matter how many hurdles I face with daily life -- The IRS, medical bills, customer service, etc. -- seem insubstantial compared with trolls, murder and mayhem. And I guess that's how I have always seen it, even when I was a child, spending time roaming the shelves of the library, grabbing and reading everything that caught my eye.

What do you read to escape?

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