Friday, March 18, 2011

It's so easy

I find it incredibly easy to treat any ailment with the written word. If I am sad, a book can help me wallow or win out. If I am excited, a book can calm me down or get me even more pumped. Books make up a good percentage of my life right now.

If you estimate: I spend 9 hours at work (8:15-5:15). One hour at work, I read (12:30-1:30). I get home and make dinner (5:30-6:30). I spend some TV time with my husband (6:30-8:30), and then I read (8:30-10:30). I sleep (10:30-7:30) Don't get jealous it's never a full 9 hours of sleep, I am a light sleeper and spend most the time awake in between a series of naps.

So.... if you take my waking hours (15), and estimate at minimum three hours a day reading, that means I am spending at minimum 20 percent of my time reading. On the weekends, you could safely bump that to around 35-40 percent. So what am I reading you ask?

Great, I'll tell you.

Mary's bookshelf: read

The Wild SightDreaming AnastasiaTrolls in the HamptonsWicked LovelyNight MystA Taste of Magic

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As a writer, I read a lot of what I would like to write some day: paranormal, fantasy, magic, fae, mystery, romance. And I try to read those separately, as well as books that incorporate all elements. My favorites, are the ones that can incorporate everything. However, as one of limited means, but a fantastic Nook Color, I find myself reading a lot of FREE books too, so those are in there too. But, it's a good thing, because chances are I am reading something currently that I would not even consider if I had money in my account to spare, thus furthering my literary horizons.

The added bonus of spending so much time with books: No matter how many hurdles I face with daily life -- The IRS, medical bills, customer service, etc. -- seem insubstantial compared with trolls, murder and mayhem. And I guess that's how I have always seen it, even when I was a child, spending time roaming the shelves of the library, grabbing and reading everything that caught my eye.

What do you read to escape?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Victory to the Vines

Life is a brick wall and all the complications, excitement, drama, news and events are the vines attaching themselves and taking over. These things will never stop. They will just keep climbing, and even if you cut them down, they'll be another ready to grow in its place.

In a dream this week, though, I thought, I really do like vines, and ivy-covered houses are all the prettier for not surviving the assualt. Even the scenes in Jumanji with the killer vines are some of the most beautiful in the movie. So I've decided to start keeping this blog to document the growth, as my brick wall begins its descent into being completely covered. The way I see it, I'm just starting out in life, and the things I do now and the issues I face, as a new homeowner, newly-married woman and 20-something embarking on the beginnings of a long-term career, will set the canvas for my life, which will hopefully become just as beautiful as an ivy-covered cottage.

So I say, Victory to the Vines! Let them keep coming, because without them, life would be a plain brick wall.