Monday, April 11, 2011

Not-So-Extreme Couponing

I have tried a few times, but I just cannot get "into" the extreme couponing craze. It seems anytime I start I end up buying things I wouldn't have bought previously and end up eating a lot less healthfully.

Still, as a newly-married couple, my husband and I try to save where we can, and mostly that leads to our strategy of finding coupons for things we've already decided to buy instead of finding the coupons first.

A lot of times that means frequent trips to

But recently, I have stumbled across Ebates. I know, how could I have missed this before?

Basically, it gives you free money for shopping. I only use it when I am already planning on buying something online. Once I make the decision to buy something online, and after I've decided where to buy it, I go to Ebates, find the store (if it is a participating store, and most are), check it for coupon codes, then open a ticket (you just click on the store from the Ebates list) and then shop. I will then get a percentage back of whatever I spend while that ticket is open. The Ebate is sent to me as a check or a PayPal deposit.

So, while I will probably never be a successful extreme couponer, stockpiling hoards of toilet paper and detergent, I can take comfort knowing I am at least getting part of what I do spend back, and I never shop online without a coupon code!